3 Simple Spring Tips – Understand the Carp – Mike Holly
It's time to warm up
TIP 1 - Track the Sun
Coming out of the winter, a carps metabolism isn’t operating as efficiently as it would be in the height of summer. The water temperatures would have been cold all winter, so the carp may have been semi dormant, almost on tick over mode.
However, now the light levels have changed and the temps have started to increase, the number one priority for Mr carp is to warm up their body. Only then will they start to use more energy, start to get round the lake, start to feed for longer periods and digest food in a more normal fashion.
Understanding the carps basic needs to survive is a great starting point, So finding warmer water is crucial and once you find it, I’m sure you’ll locate a carp or two.
Tip: The sun rises from the east, so the west/south west side of the lake will generally experience the most warmth from the sun each day and sun seeking carp will often follow it.
TIP 2 - Natural Food Larders
Another important tip that often gets overlooked is the need for the lakes natural food to seek out the suns warmer water also. This means the caddis, snails, shrimps etc are all slowly making their way up the marginal shelf to seek out those warmer hot spots.
It’s no surprise that the carp are usually close by. Carp once again are programmed year in, year out to know where the natural food larders are as soon as they wake up from a winter slumber. This means a quick meal, with minimal efforts and energy.
Looking for warmer marginal areas at this time of year is a great starting point for a bait position. Areas of bank that see the sun, little coves, bays, especially those that are reed lined have always proven deadly in the early spring. Reeds soak up the suns warmth and push it out like little radiator tubes throughout the day and the carp love them.
Tip: Take a leaf out of a trout anglers armoury and gain some knowledge on the insect life cycle of a lakes and rivers. Loads of books are available and they can often help with hatches at certain times of the year and where these insects can be found, find these and the carp are usually close by. Present a bait on a natural feeding spot and its a win, win!
Less is More
TIP 3 - Go easy on bait
It’s easy to get excited in the spring, we start to see the carp in the edge and around the lake and we can go a bit over the top with bait hoping for a golden session!
Well this is often a common mistake, I’ve always found that less is more in the spring. Remember the carps metabolism has only just started to kick start back into life, especially if the lakes been quiet all winter with very little bait being applied.
The depth of water is far more crucial that using lots of bait. Find those shallow areas, preset a trap and I’m sure you’ll kick start your spring campaign in style.
TIP 3 – Go shallow for the win and fish for a bite at a time.